Part 8: Becoming a Leader

  • Chapter 25-Step 12
  • Chapter 26-Shared Struggle
  • Chapter 27-We Need More Leaders

Reflect on the following questions. If you prefer, you can include these in a knowledge café conversation (refer to Part 6 for tools).

  1. What are some struggles you have shared? How have those struggles shaped you as a leader?
  2. “What we need to do is redefine hardship for our modern age of abundance” (p. 210).
  3. What does this look like in schools? What struggle might you redefine? How are you “igniting the human spirit” by “offering a reason to grow?”
  4. What challenge in your school/district/organization outsizes the resources available, but not the intellectual capacity of the organization?
  5. Why do you come to work?
  6. What little things might you commit to doing daily for the good of others (and yourself)? (see James Clear, the amalgamation of 1 percent)