Careers in School Administration

Finding the Right Position

School Leadership That Fits - a guide to securing the optimal school leadership position

Job openings on SAI's Career Center

SAI's Career Center - members may post education positions at no cost as well as look for a new role

Job seekers - Learn more

Additional job search sites

IowaWORKS - search for administrative positions within the state of Iowa

AASA Job Bulletin - administrative position listings, career advice and other online job sites for school leaders

NAESP's Career Center - find job opportunities dedicated to educators

NASSP's Career Center - search for secondary principal positions

SAI support

Mentoring and Induction Program 

SAI provides one year of programming to support the Iowa standards for school administrators adopted pursuant to 281 Iowa Administrative Code 83.10 (284A), and to support beginning administrators’ professional and personal needs. The program is structured to provide support, professional learning, and access to a variety of informational resources critical to a beginning administrator’s success as a leader of student achievement. More information…

New Administrators Institutes 

Separate from the Mentoring Program, these one-day events are available to administrators who are beginning their first year in their position, whether brand new or transitioning to a different role. 

The New Administrators Institutes will address topics relevant to each job-alike group, including but not limited to leadership for learning, navigating the first 90 days, critical dates and deadlines, how to establish a learning culture and must-know legal tips. Each session will include presentations by respected Iowa administrators and opportunities to network with colleagues. 

Dates will be posted to the SAI Events Calendar once available.