Membership Information
2024-25 membership sign up
Active membership is available to administrators in a school district or other educational agency or institution who are designated as members of the administrative team. Only active members shall have the right to vote and hold office and to be eligible for all of the privileges and services of the Association.
2024-25 Membership Dues: $605.00
Our membership enrollment for 2024-25 has closed. We appreciate your interest and invite you to check back after May 1 for the 2025-26 membership enrollment period.
Associate membership is reserved for individuals who are involved in related educational activities but who are not eligible for active membership. Associate members shall have no voting privileges, nor shall they be eligible to serve as association officers. Associate members are entitled to attend meetings and to receive all publications but are entitled to no other privileges or services.
2024-25 Membership dues: $200.00
Free Emeritus membership is granted to former members not currently employed in education and who are receiving compensation from a retirement system and/or members who have been certified as being disabled. Emeritus members receive the SAI Report and are entitled to a free Annual Conference registration. Emeritus members may not hold office or vote in association elections.
2024-25 Membership Dues: $0.00
Aspiring Member - Current Student
Aspiring administrator membership is extended to individuals currently enrolled in year 1 or 2 of a principal preparation program who are not eligible for active membership. Aspiring administrator members are entitled to attend meetings and to receive all publications but are entitled to no other privileges or services. Aspiring members are allowed to attend the Annual Conference at no charge.
2024-25 Membership Dues: $0.00
Aspiring Member - Licensed Administrator
Aspiring administrator membership is extended to individuals who hold an initial or professional administrator license but are not currently serving in an administrative role and who are not eligible for active membership. Aspiring administrator members are entitled to attend meetings and to receive all publications but are entitled to no other privileges or services. Aspiring members are allowed to attend the Annual Conference at no charge.
2024-2025 Membership Dues: $121.00