SAI Vice President Application Process

Position Overview

The position of vice president rotates annually among elementary, general, and secondary administrators. The elected vice president begins a four-year commitment as a member of the SAI Executive Committee (see job descriptions below) and moves through the chairs. The Executive Committee typically meets monthly. (See this year's meeting dates.)

2025-26 Role
Any active SAI member who is a general administrator (defined as a superintendent, central office administrator, or AEA administrator) and wishes to run for SAI vice president for 2025-26 may apply.


  • Dec. 1: Deadline to e-mail Executive Director Lisa Remy if you are interested in pursuing the SAI Vice President nomination.
  • Dec. 31: Deadline to submit your application either by e-mail to Lisa Remy or print and mail to the SAI Office: 12199 Stratford Drive, Clive, IA 50325. 
  • February Representative Council Meeting: The general administrators on the Representative Council will choose two nominees from the application forms submitted.
  • April: SAI members will vote electronically to select the next vice president.

Steps For Submission

    1. Answer these three questions in a document and save as a PDF.
      1. If you were elected vice president, what would be your goals for SAI?
      2. What do you see as the three most pressing educational leadership issues facing Iowa?
      3. What's the most important leadership lesson you've learned as an administrator?
    2. Save your resume as a PDF.
    3. Save a letter from your immediate supervisor granting permission to serve as a PDF.
    4. Combine all PDFs into one PDF document and save it with your name and "SAI-VP-application" in the title. (Example: johndoe-SAI-vp-application.pdf)
    5. Email the PDF to Lisa Remy or print and mail to SAI at 12199 Stratford Drive, Clive, IA 50325 by Dec. 31, 2024.

SAI Officer Job Descriptions

State President

Reports to: The Representative Council of the Association and the Executive Committee

Job Goal: To actively promote the mission and goals of the Association

Performance Responsibilities

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee, Representative Council and annual meeting of the membership.
  2. Develop and recommend goals to the Representative Council to work toward during the ensuing year.
  3. Work with the Executive Director in recommending names of people to serve on various committees.
  4. Be responsible for seeing that the programs and policies of the Association reflect the needs and interests of the membership.
  5. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and attend such meetings as necessary.
  6. Delegate duties to the President-elect, Past President and Vice President.
  7. Serve as a spokesperson for the Association.
  8. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Educational Administration.                                                                                                                     
State President-Elect

Reports to: SAI Representative Council and Executive Committee

Job Goal: To actively promote the mission and goals of the Association

Performance Responsibilities

  1. Act for the State President when the State President is unable to fulfill the duties of his/her office.
  2. Be an active member of the Executive Committee and Representative Council.
  3. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Educational Administration.

State Vice President

Reports to: SAI Representative Council and Executive Committee

Job Goal: To actively promote the mission and goals of the Association

Performance Responsibilities:

  1. Act for the President-elect when the President-elect is unable to fulfill the duties of his/her office.
  2. Be an active member of the Executive Committee and Representative Council.
  3. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Educational Administration.

State Past President

Reports to: SAI Representative Council and Executive Committee

Job Goal: To actively promote the mission and goals of the Association

Performance Responsibilities:

  1. Be an active member of the Executive Committee and Representative Council.
  2. At the request of the State President, confer on policy matters impacting the Association.
  3. Serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Educational Administration.