SAI Vice President Application Process
2025-25 Information
Position Overview
The position of vice president rotates annually among elementary, general, and secondary administrators. The elected vice president begins a four-year commitment as a member of the SAI Executive Committee (see job descriptions below) and moves through the chairs. The Executive Committee typically meets monthly. (See this year's meeting dates.)
2025-26 Role
Any active SAI member who is a general administrator (defined as a superintendent, central office administrator, or AEA administrator) and wishes to run for SAI vice president for 2025-26 may apply.
- Dec. 1: Deadline to e-mail Executive Director Lisa Remy if you are interested in pursuing the SAI Vice President nomination.
- Dec. 31: Deadline to submit your application either by e-mail to Lisa Remy or print and mail to the SAI Office: 12199 Stratford Drive, Clive, IA 50325.
- February Representative Council Meeting: The general administrators on the Representative Council will choose two nominees from the application forms submitted.
- April: SAI members will vote electronically to select the next vice president.
Steps For Submission
- Answer these three questions in a document and save as a PDF.
- If you were elected vice president, what would be your goals for SAI?
- What do you see as the three most pressing educational leadership issues facing Iowa?
- What's the most important leadership lesson you've learned as an administrator?
- Save your resume as a PDF.
- Save a letter from your immediate supervisor granting permission to serve as a PDF.
- Combine all PDFs into one PDF document and save it with your name and "SAI-VP-application" in the title. (Example: johndoe-SAI-vp-application.pdf)
- Email the PDF to Lisa Remy or print and mail to SAI at 12199 Stratford Drive, Clive, IA 50325 by Dec. 31, 2024.
- Answer these three questions in a document and save as a PDF.
SAI Officer Job Descriptions
State President
Reports to: The Representative Council of the Association and the Executive Committee
Job Goal: To actively promote the mission and goals of the Association
Performance Responsibilities
- Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee, Representative Council and annual meeting of the membership.
- Develop and recommend goals to the Representative Council to work toward during the ensuing year.
- Work with the Executive Director in recommending names of people to serve on various committees.
- Be responsible for seeing that the programs and policies of the Association reflect the needs and interests of the membership.
- Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and attend such meetings as necessary.
- Delegate duties to the President-elect, Past President and Vice President.
- Serve as a spokesperson for the Association.
- Serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Educational Administration.
State President-Elect
Reports to: SAI Representative Council and Executive Committee
Job Goal: To actively promote the mission and goals of the Association
Performance Responsibilities
- Act for the State President when the State President is unable to fulfill the duties of his/her office.
- Be an active member of the Executive Committee and Representative Council.
- Serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Educational Administration.
State Vice President
Reports to: SAI Representative Council and Executive Committee
Job Goal: To actively promote the mission and goals of the Association
Performance Responsibilities:
- Act for the President-elect when the President-elect is unable to fulfill the duties of his/her office.
- Be an active member of the Executive Committee and Representative Council.
- Serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Educational Administration.
State Past President
Reports to: SAI Representative Council and Executive Committee
Job Goal: To actively promote the mission and goals of the Association
Performance Responsibilities:
- Be an active member of the Executive Committee and Representative Council.
- At the request of the State President, confer on policy matters impacting the Association.
- Serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Educational Administration.