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Grant Wood SAI District Meeting

Thursday, February 13, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (CST)

* Registration open until 2/10/25 at 12:00 PM (CST)

Event Details

Register to join your colleagues from school districts associated with the Grant Wood AEA for the annual SAI District meeting. A complimentary lunch will be included with the meeting. More details will be posted once the agenda is finalized.

SAI Speakers

  • Executive Director Lisa Remy will share SAI updates and collect feedback as we explore expanding communications-related resources to members. She will also provide legislative updates on behalf of Government Relations Director Dave Daughton.
  • Legal Services Director Matt Carver will share timely legal topics, including attendance.

District Meeting Corporate Partner Sponsor

Classroom Clinic

For More Information:

Amy Swanson
Amy Swanson
Program Coordinator SAI (515)267-1115

Why Register?
We need to know how many administrators will be in attendance to have adequate seating AND we provide a free lunch for all attendees. Please be sure that all administrators in your district who plan to attend register.