2025 Exhibit Booth Contract
Terms, Conditions and Regulations
1. EXHIBITOR BOOTH - The School Administrators of Iowa (SAI) agrees to provide an 8’ x 10’ booth with side and back curtains. The SAI agrees to furnish one 7" x 44" identification sign with company name and booth number.
2. BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS - Assignments will be made in the order contracts and booth fees are received as well as the number of booths requested and SAI Corporate Partner status.
3. RULES AND REGULATIONS - The exhibitor agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Community Choice Convention Center, and to comply with all the laws of the United States and the State of Iowa, and all ordinances of the City of Des Moines, together with all rules of the Police, Fire, and Health Department of the City of Des Moines. It is understood that this contract may be canceled for any such violation.
4. LIABILITY - The SAI or its employees shall not be responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to the exhibitor’s officers, agents or employees; or property prior, during or subsequent to the period covered by this exhibit contract. All property brought onto the premises by the exhibitor shall be at the risk of the exhibitor, and the SAI and its employees shall not be liable for any loss or damage thereto, for any injury to the exhibitor, its agents, officers, or employees. The exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the SAI and its employees for any loss or damage which may arise out of the premises in this exhibit booth contract.
5. SAFETY REGULATIONS - Strict adherence to all safety regulations regarding all motor vehicles will be insisted upon. If gasoline-driven motor vehicles are brought into the building for display purposes, gas contents must be at a minimum, gas tank cap must be sealed with tape, and battery disconnected. No bottled gas or L.P. gas or empty cylinders are permitted in the building. Exhibitors will make themselves completely familiar with and comply with all other fire and safety regulations of the Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center. The exhibitor agrees not to injure, damage, mar or deface buildings, premises, furniture, fixtures, or equipment in or about the Convention Center; and shall be liable for any such damage or injury caused by it, its agents, officers, employees, or other persons admitted to the premises by the exhibitor, its agents, officers or employees.
6. USE OF BOOTH - The exhibitor agrees not to interfere in any way with the ordinary use by others of the building or grounds. The exhibitor shall not obstruct the aisles or view of other exhibitors. The exhibitor shall not sublet, divide or share booth space with any other than identified in the contract without express permission of the SAI exhibit manager. Distribution of advertising material is limited to the area of each exhibit booth. Exhibits shall be arranged so that nothing is attached to walls, and no tacking or marring is permitted. The SAI reserves the right to refuse or restrict exhibits or exhibitors which may be objectionable; also to prohibit or remove any exhibit which may detract from the general character of the display or exhibitor who disrupts the general atmosphere of the conference. This includes persons, things, printed matter, or anything of a character that may not be in keeping with the exhibit or conference as a whole.