AP’s/Dean’s Guide to Learning on the Job

Posted By: Dana Schon, Ed.D. Asst/Assoc Principals,

Engage in continuous learning to continue to develop the knowledge and skills that will increase your impact and influence. This recent NAESP blog post offers four approaches for learning:

  1. Build Confidence
    1. Remember and use the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired in your previous role/s.
    2. Set a direction for yourself--> What is your personal mission as an AP/Dean? This purpose can bolster you when you’re faced with challenges.
  2. Develop Credibility
    1. Demonstrate care and concern for staff. How do they know you value them?
    2. Say what you’ll do and do what you say. Don’t overpromise!!!
    3. Show gratitude.
  3. Listen
    1. Check in with staff frequently and consistently.
    2. Be approachable.
    3. Seek to understand—get curious.
  4. Keep Your Calm
    1. Your energy is contagious—what emotional state do you want your staff to catch, especially during a difficult time?
    2. In your previous role, what did you need/want from your administrator at times like this?

 In your mentoring partnership, discuss additional ways in which you learn the role of a leader.

Read the full post