Build Your Confidence as a New Leader

Posted By: Dana Schon, Ed.D. Elementary Principals,

You are just what your building needs! These five steps can help you believe it!

  1. Belong. Regardless of your background, your doubters, your experience (or lack thereof), your energy, passion, and commitment are what’s needed right now! So, contribute your ideas and share your insights.
  2. Use your mentor! You don’t have to know all the answers, and you will make mistakes. Process situations with your mentor and don’t hesitate to reach out to them with a quick question!!
  3. Stay humble. Build quality relationships. Solicit input. Value your people.
  4. Reflect. Consider keeping a journal of your experiences and note what you learned and are learning. Possible reflective questions:
    a. Did I do what was best for students?
    b. Did I react emotionally or respond based on facts?
    c. Do I need to restore that relationship? If so, how?
    d. Do I need to follow up tomorrow?
    e. What could I have done differently to promote a better outcome?
  5. Be present. Appreciate your small wins. Soak up meaningful moments.

Integrity, positive intent, competence, and courage fuel trust and confidence.

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