Four Tips to Finish the Year Strong and Prep for Next
Date postedMarch 11, 2025
This Education Week article provides support for “doubling your vision” — see how to finish this year strong while looking ahead to make a strong start next.
- Offer support to staff. They’re probably experiencing the winter lull; and in the midst of political, economic, and other uncertainty, they may have higher stress levels. Though “support” looks different for everyone, research around burnout shows that staff value having a voice and a sense of community. They want to feel appreciated and acknowledged. Do you have opportunities for them to collaborate? You might consider handwritten notes of appreciation. Be specific about what you notice about each staff member’s unique contribution to your building.
- Align professional learning to the specific needs of staff. Occasionally, all staff members have the same learning needs, and many times, different content areas or grade level teachers have specific learning needs in order to get the best results for students. Work with your teacher leaders, district office, and/or your AEA to target these different needs.
- Advocate for teacher pay. This one is tough in the midst of limited funding increases; however, recent legislation has addressed teacher pay. Celebrate this with your staff.
- Be visible and present. Schedule time in your calendar to visit classrooms and connect with staff. Check-in. Ask what else they might need to be successful. Listen. Be where your feet are and hold space for the other person. A “How’s it going?” as you continue to move down the hall is not holding space! If you only have a minute and the conversation looks to be a long one, say, “This seems like a topic that needs a longer conversation. Can we get some time on our calendars? I have other obligations shortly.”
These four strategies can fuel the momentum you need to finish the year strong and carry you into planning sessions for next year!