Increase Your Impact in 2024-25

Posted By: Dana Schon, Ed.D. Superintendents,

Use this framework as you set your school improvement goals and close the execution gap! 

Chris McChesney in collaboration with FranklinCovey provides the Four Disciplines of Execution Framework (4DX) as the means to execute your strategy. 

Discipline 1: Set a Wildly Important Goal. If all else were to stay the same, what is the one thing you could change for the greatest impact on your system? What must change? State your goal: XX will go from X to Y by this date. For example – Reading scores will go from 58% proficient on May 31, 2023, to 78% proficient on May 31, 2024.

Discipline 2: Identify and Act on the Lead Measures. What actions will staff take to reach the goal? Will they implement a specific strategy 3x/week? Engage in professional learning? Motivate students to read at least 20 minutes a day? What actions are influenceable and predictable? These are your lead indicators. With the right lead indicators, you can influence and predict the results of the goal you’ve set.

Discipline 3: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard. Use bar graphs, pictographs, or some other visual to keep track of progress toward your goal/s. Take, for example, a softball or baseball game. The scoreboard indicates whether you’re winning or losing and the gap. It also displays how much time is left. It keeps everyone focused and motivated. The same is true for a scoreboard of your school improvement goal progress. (The linked article below provides additional examples and more explanation).

Discipline 4: Create a Cadence of Accountability. Meet regularly (once a week no more than 20 minutes) to discuss the progress each of you is making toward the goal. Adjust as needed.

The key is accountability. Stay focused, stay disciplined, and you will achieve your WIG.

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Plan to register for SAI’s 4 Disciplines of Execution class on November 5, 2024