Keeping an Instructional Focus
Date postedApril 18, 2024
The reflective questions that follow the list of six strategies for staying focused can be a catalyst to a conversation in your mentoring partnership.
- Communicate a clear vision and mission.
- Have a clear administrative structure.
- Articulate a shared vision for quality instruction (an instructional framework can support this—e.g. Danielson, Marzano, Iowa Instructional Framework). Does everyone understand what constitutes quality instruction?
- Foster a coaching culture to model for all assistant principals and instructional coaches.
- Know and understand the key data of your school, such as attendance data for teachers and students, behavior data, graduation rates, and other information.
- Create a strong, focused professional development plan for teachers.
Reflective questions related to the instructional focus of your building:
- What is the instructional vision and mission of our school?
- Where are our building priorities? What story do our walls, entrances, trophy cases, hallways, offices, classrooms, etc. say about what is important to us and where we focus our attention?
- How do we celebrate high-achieving teachers and students?
- Are we all on the same page with regard to what quality instruction looks like? (Do assistant/associate principals, deans, and instructional coaches know what the principal's expectations are regarding quality instruction?
- Do we have a walk-through tool that is grounded in a rubric to support an instructional focus?
- Have we been trained in a coaching model (Jim Knight, Steve Barkley, Diane Sweeney, cognitive coaching, etc.) to ensure we are inspecting what we expect?
- Do we know how our students are performing regarding course-passing data and state assessments?
- Is there a belief that good instruction leads to higher student outcomes?
- Do we have an ongoing professional development program and a way to determine its effect?