Leadership-life Fit: Make a Date with Yourself

Posted By: Dana Schon, Ed.D. Asst/Assoc Principals, Elementary Principals, ML/Sec Principals, Superintendents,

You’re well into the school year, and few white spaces remain on your calendar. Uplevel your energy and improve your fit by claiming some white space for yourself.

This month’s leadership-life fit strategy is super simple!

  • Set a weekly date with yourself on your calendar.
  • Give yourself the gift of whatever time you can to do whatever you most need—walk, meditate, eat chocolate, close your eyes, journal, just be.
  • Notice how you feel as you mark this time on your calendar; notice the energy you bring to your appointment with yourself and how you feel after you wrap up your white space with yourself.
  • Share with your mentor and hold yourself accountable for protecting this time!