Manage Your Energy and Your Time

Posted By: Dana Schon, Ed.D. Elementary Principals, ML/Sec Principals,

Follow these seven rules to make the most of your golden hours (the two to three hours of your day where you are at your best).

Leadership guru Dan Rockwell offers insight for how to make the most of our best time of day:

  1. Do your most important task/project during your golden hours.
  2. Organize yourself so you are ready to maximize your best time of day.
  3. Narrow your focus
    • Don’t multitask (we’re no good at it anyway).
    • Close your door.
    • Don’t pick up your phone to text, surf the net, browse social media, etc.
    • Return calls later—have your assistant take a message so you don’t have to go back and listen to voicemail. Your assistant may be able to save you a return call.
    • Turn off email notifications.
  4. Be sure your environment supports you. If you need it quiet to concentrate, find a spot where you won’t be disturbed. If classical music fuels your creativity, crank it up.
  5. Honor and respect each other’s golden hours.
  6. Schedule time for play.
  7. Delete items from your To-Do list that are more than two weeks old.

Read Dan's full post