Stay Interviews

Posted By: Dana Schon, Ed.D. Elementary Principals,

What’s it like for staff to work in your building? Why do they choose to stay? Increase levels of trust, stay in touch with staff, and foster quality relationships by conducting stay interviews. This principal explains they’re easier to execute than you think!

Principal Melissa Harvey identifies four steps for successful stay interviews:

  1. Set productive expectations. Invite staff to participate either individually or as a team/group. Communicate that you are interested in deepening your understanding of their experience in the building and collaborating around identified challenges and issues. Share your vision for continuing to advance toward the best place for teaching, learning, and leading to happen.
  2. Start the meeting with a positive. Harvey offers several potential questions:
    • Tell me what is great about your role!
    • Do you need more feedback? Recognition? Support?
    • How can I contribute to you feeling more valued and respected?
  3. Tackle hard questions with transparency.
    • What’s one big problem you’re facing?
    • What’s one thing that would make this your dream job?
    • What’s one situation that would make you leave?
    • What’s one thing I could do better?
  4. Offer follow-ups. Those staff who engage in stay interview as a group may now be more comfortable in a 1:1 and have more to say.

Read the full blog post

More on stay interviews with leadership guru Dan Rockwell