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This free course on happiness uses “TikTok-length videos to highlight common misconceptions about happiness and teach about the behaviors,...

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If you want to grow and develop your leadership, focus your learning in these four areas. Katy Kennedy summarizes a recent research review from The...

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The role of the AP or dean is one of the most varied in terms of responsibilities; however, these three traits will serve anyone in these roles well...

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Listen to Nevada High School Assistant Principal and Activities Director, Dustin Smith, discuss the importance of a collaborative approach to...

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Allyson Apsey in Serendipity in Education says principals can’t possibly be “masters of best practices and pedagogy in every content...

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Follow these seven rules to make the most of your golden hours (the two to three hours of your day where you are at your best). Leadership guru Dan...

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Listen to West Delaware County Superintendent Rickey recall insights from her first year as superintendent, discuss the primary role and...

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A recent research study shows an increase in the number of AP positions and great variability among their responsibilities. Check out the key...

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Gain insight and understanding of best practices for lockdown drills from school safety researcher and author, Jaclyn Schildkraut whose recent...

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Decades of research point to the value of frequent 1:1 meetings between leaders and direct reports. These suggestions can support you in maximizing...

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What’s your hidden iceberg? Do your actions align to your words? What are you not admitting to yourself? This brief video helps you uncover...

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