Purpose and the AP/Dean Role

Posted By: Dana Schon, Ed.D. Asst/Assoc Principals,

Why do you do what you do? Consider how these 4 functions of the AP/Dean role drive your purpose and how you can foster them.

2020 National AP of the Year, Debra Paradowski discusses how she reconnects to purpose in this NASSP Blog. As you close out your year, set aside time for your own reflection.

  1. Fostering and Building Effective Relationships: What is the quality of the relationships you have with students, staff, and your principal? What did you do this year to contribute to the effectiveness of these relationships? What will you do next year to build and sustain effective relationships? (For additional resources to build Professional Community, see ISSL Standard 7)
  2. Building a Positive School Culture: How did you motivate and encourage students and staff this past year? What strengths in each did you promote? What will you do next year to increase the quality of your learning culture? How will you continue to work with your principal with culture as a focus? (For additional resources to create a Community of Care and Support, see ISSL Standard 5)
  3. Collaborative Leadership: In what ways did you intentionally interact with staff to learn together with the focus on improving student achievement? How did you serve as a model for learning? What structures exist to support collaboration? What will you do next year to advance collaboration and problem-solving around student learning challenges? (For additional resources to support School Improvement efforts, see ISSL Standard 10)
  4. Personal Development and Leadership Growth: What have you learned this year both personally and professionally? How did you engage in that learning? What do you need in this coming year to continue to grow? You might identify learning goals for growth and development in the progressions found in Iowa’s Building-level Leader Leadership Performance Review document.